Sunday, March 6, 2011

How does T-ara’s Hyomin respond to negative comments?

T-ara’s Hyomin revealed her unique reactions to negative comments!

On March 6th, the idol tweeted an adorable sel-ca series, stylized as a four-frame comic. She attached the caption, “4-cut comic…. How I deal with negative comments”.

Each photo also had an accompanying message, which read: 
1) Hyominie turned into a negative commenter. 
2) After seeing comments… Obviously looking disappointed. 
3) Comforting self sniffle. 
4) Whatever. It’ll all turn out okay.

Netizens were charmed by her delicate facial features and her adorable acting. They praised, “Comic picture set-up is awesome”, “I completely relate”, and “Her expression acting is really good”.

Source: TVDaily via Nate

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